Open Call designteams

Every six months, the Team Vlaams Bouwmeester publishes a list of Open Call projects. Design teams can register their candidature online for one or more of these projects. This can be done on this page in the course of the registration period.

If you have already been a candidate for an Open Call project or if you have previously registered with the Team Vlaams Bouwmeester, you will have a Firm code and a password which will give you access to the ‘My Open Call’ page. On that page, you can:

  • Change your registration data in the Team Vlaams Bouwmeester database
  • Submit your candidature for new Open Call projects
  • Consult your previous candidatures

If you have not yet registered with the Team Vlaams Bouwmeester, you can do so via the link ‘Register your firm here’ on the right of the page. The registration and approval procedure goes in stages as described below. You can of course always contact us if you have any questions.

+32 2 553 01 11


The registration procedure, step by step

1) Register your firm

!!HIt is important that you only register your firm once, as double registrations can lead to a candidature being declared invalid at a later stage.

So first make thorough internal enquiries to make sure that your firm has not already been registered. If you are in any doubt, please contact the Team Vlaams Bouwmeester by phone to ask. Even if you wish to take part in the Open Call as a member of a temporary partnership, you must be registered with the Team Vlaams Bouwmeester.

If you follow the registration link, you can fill in your firm’s details. When you click on the ‘Register’ button your details will be sent to the Team Vlaams Bouwmeester.

2) Allocation of a Firm code by the Team Vlaams Bouwmeester

The Team Vlaams Bouwmeester checks your registration and generates a Firm code for you. At peak times or in holiday periods it is possible that you may only receive this code after several days. We always try to help you as quickly as possible. If you do not receive an answer within five days, we request that you contact us by phone on +32 2 553 29 63.

During the enrolment period for the Open Call we try to keep the response time to an absolute minimum.

3) Logging in on this page

You will receive your Firm code together with a once-only login code by mail, to the address given in the registration. The first time you log in you will be asked to enter a password that you can then use all the time in the future. Keep a note of it. Your login details are stored in encrypted form in the Team Vlaams Bouwmeester database. If you do ever lose your password, you can obtain a new one through the link ‘request a new password’. If you no longer have your firm code, you can contact the Team Vlaams Bouwmeester by phone.

4) Access to ‘My Open Call’ and enrolling for Open Call projects

At this stage you have access to your ‘My Open Call’ page and during the enrolment period you can submit your candidature for the Open Call. You can change your details at any time.

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Register your office here