Kalmthout - Gemeentehuis en cultureel centrum Kalmthout


Cuypers & Q interprof. architectenvennootschap
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M10-architecten bvba
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Poponcini & Lootens ir architecten bvba
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Robbrecht en Daem architecten
Download design proposalProject description
Borough services are currently centralised in the centre of the borough of Kalmthout, with its central location being the main advantage. However, there is a need to expand and re-allocate a number of functions. The existing administrative services are struggling with a lack of space and in the meantime, a temporary office unit made from timber has been installed, but also the fire station no longer meets current standards and after the technical services have moved is due to take over this existing building. As a result of this, the existing fire station
can be given a new function. For cultural needs, there are plenty of smaller spaces and rooms available in the borough that are currently used for all sorts of associations and activities. A larger space – a cultural centre with multipurpose uses – is currently lacking in the borough.
The various policy plans give this need sufficient thought and emphasise the importance and need for the investments planned by the council authorities. At the same time, as part of the implementation of the borough structural plan, an assignment has been issued to develop a strategic project in the vicinity of the town hall. An important issue here is the cohesion between the various sections located in this central area and the importance of the square function, which is for parking facilities also not being forgotten. The requirements for the project include cooperation between the various projects and getting them to dovetail with one another.
On the one hand there is the architecture assignment aimed at expanding the town hall and providing a cultural centre, while on the other, there is the search for and working on a solution for achieving a balance between the various functions in the central area.
The buildings must meet all modern requirements in terms of durability, energy economy, child-friendliness and acoustic insulation. It must be possible to use all subsidies and grants to their maximum. The buildings must also meet all of the most recent requirements in terms of accessibility, energy regulations, etc.
Fee: not yet determined
Project details
Project code
Official name
The complete study and design assignment for the extension of the town hall, including the building of a cultural centre.
This project is part of the project bundle OO16.
Gemeentebestuur Kalmthout
Site location
Kerkeind 13
2920 Kalmthout
Timing project
- Selection meeting:
- First briefing:
- Second briefing:
- Deadline offers:
- Jury:
Award procedure
prijsvraag voor ontwerpen met gunning via onderhandelingsprocedure zonder bekendmaking.
External jury member
Pieter Uyttenhove
Fee for offers
Project type
European publication
- Date European publication:
- Number European publication: 177764
Publication bulletin
- Date publication bulletin:
- Number publication bulletin: 10450
This project was realized via Open Oproep. Read more about this tool.
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