Antwerpen - ZNA UKJA

Open Oproep OO1509 Being built

OO1509 visiebundel © Bladt & Verstraeten architecten & ingenieurs


ABT België nv, Architektenburo Jef Van Oevelen bvba

Atelier Kempe Thill architects and planners

JDS architects

Project description

The UKJA is the largest children’s psychiatric centre in Flanders and has 94 beds and places for outpatients. These beds are currently spread across two sites. ZNA wants to centralise this capacity at the site in Middelheim.

Centralising the bed capacity involves an expansion of the existing infrastructure that must offer the capability of accommodating 32 beds, divided into 4 separate age groups of 8 residential places:

8 residential places for children in their latency phase (6-12 years);

8 residential places for adolescents with developmental disorders and psychoses;

8 residential places for treating young delinquents;

8 residential places for young people with serious behavioural disorders

The new building also needs to provide space for expanding the hospital school and has to meet the demand to expand the polyclinic function (discussions areas, treatment and examination rooms), meeting facilities and multipurpose areas.

The extension covers approximately 5,000m² for the actual hospital part and 900 m² for the hospital school.

The infrastructure must be suitable for the specific needs of receiving and treating children with psychiatric disorders. This means that having a homely and restful setting is essential. Integrating the building as part of a green environment, with gardens and sufficient opportunity for the residents to go outside, is important.

Project details

Project code


Official name

Full study/design assignment for expanding the ZNA University Children’s and Young Persons’ Psychiatric Unit Antwerp (UKJA)

This project is part of the project bundle OO15.


Being built


Ziekenhuisnetwerk Antwerpen ZNA

Site location

Lindendreef 1
2020 Antwerpen

Timing project

  • Selection meeting:
  • First briefing:
  • Second briefing:
  • Deadline offers:
  • Jury:

Contact Team Vlaams Bouwmeester

Mario Deputter

Award procedure

prijsvraag voor ontwerpen met gunning via onderhandelingsprocedure zonder bekendmaking.

External jury member

Jan Schreurs


Construction budget


Excluding VAT

Excluding commission

Fee for offers

€10.000 per laureaat

Project type


European publication

  • Date European publication:
  • Number European publication: 14-017974

Publication bulletin

  • Date publication bulletin:
  • Number publication bulletin: 017974

This project was realized via Open Oproep. Read more about this tool.

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