For Open Call 45, 170 agencies applied, 106 of which were Belgian. Among the 66 foreign design agencies, we counted agencies from the Netherlands (40), the United Kingdom (7), France (5), Spain (4), Switzerland (2), Germany (2), Denmark (2) and one agency each from India, Norway and Poland.
These 170 agencies submitted a total of 122 applications for 3 projects. There are 61 candidatures for the project of Hogeschool PXL in Hasselt (OO4502), 31 candidatures for the project of Emiliani vzw in Lokeren and 30 candidatures for the project of Ons Dak in Maaseik. With an average of 37 applications, the number of applications per project is higher than in previous Open Calls, where we received an average of just over 20 applications per project.
We are currently checking whether the nominations are in order administratively and whether they meet the selection criteria. We will soon post the lists of final candidates on the project sheets on the website. The first selection meetings with the building owners will follow during the month of April.