Genk - Genk town council: sports park in E. Van Dorenlaan

Open Oproep OO2608 Realized

Realisatie Open Oproep 2608 © Michiel De Cleene


Artgineering, textoer

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Atelier JPLX bvba

Studio Paola Viganò

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Project description

Genk town council is actively engaged in developing a number of strategic projects to give shape to the town with its various focal points and to boost the level of facilities and the experience of the town. One of these sites is the sports park in Emiel Van Dorenlaan. Some time ago the architect Isia Isgour drew up a master-plan for this sports campus, and the present sports centre with its municipal swimming baths, now a protected monument, is a fine building that forms part of it.

Work on a new municipal sports hall, alongside the municipal swimming baths, started in the spring.

The existing municipal sports centre is a protected building of exceptional architectural value. For this reason the architects of the new sports hall opted for a design that is out of the ordinary. The aim is to give this sports hall an identity of its own, just as vigorous and striking as its counterpart.

In the present assignment, Genk town council wishes to have the grounds of this sports park designed and the design carried out. The public space that makes up the sports park should be able to incorporate a range of sports-related programme elements (skatepark, football cage, playground, etc.) and the organisation of municipal activities. The design will put forward innovative proposals to achieve these aims.

The quality of the design of the public space should underpin and enhance the quality of the buildings. Both buildings, the existing and new sports halls, will be opposite each other and will thus enter into dialogue. The space between the buildings should on the one hand fuel this dialogue by fitting in with the design of the two buildings and on the other should upgrade the sporting experience of the location by including an appropriate range of activities.

The high-quality public space between the new sports hall and the existing sports centre will also function as a municipal square from where the routes to the various functions of the sports park will depart (sports centre, sports hall, sports wood at the rear, football pitches, car park, etc.).

In addition to the ‘sports square’, in this assignment our aim is also to organise the whole sports park, integrating the existing qualities of the landscape, the valley of the Stiemerbeek stream and the municipal wood.

In concrete terms, the assignment includes:

- the design and arrangement of the ‘sports square’ between the entrances to the new sports hall and the municipal swimming baths (stage 1).

- positioning of the desired and possible programme elements that can be accommodated on the new ‘sports square’ (in consultation with the sports department). These programme elements are to be incorporated fully into the design for the square.

- the design of the sports park within the bounds of the project area.

- the integration of the valley of the Stiemerbeek stream into the existing wooded landscape.

- the more efficient organisation of the front car park.

- the optimisation of traffic circulation to and on the site.

- creating a safe junction between the E. Van Dorenlaan and the entrance to the sports centre site.

- investigating and developing the water management on the site, taking account of the conditions imposed by Limburg’s provincial authorities.

Budget: creation of sports field (stage 1): €1,450,000 incl. VAT

Fee: Based on KVIV fee scale I, class 1

Project details

Project code


Official name

All-inclusive design assignment for laying out the surroundings of the sports park in Genk.

This project is part of the project bundle OO26.




Stadsbestuur Genk

Site location

Emiel Van Dorenlaan
3600 Genk

Timing project

  • Selection meeting:
  • First briefing:
  • Second briefing:
  • Deadline offers:
  • Jury:

Contactperson client

Veronique Claessens

Contact Team Vlaams Bouwmeester

Annelies Augustyns

Award procedure

prijsvraag voor ontwerpen met gunning via onderhandelingsprocedure zonder bekendmaking.

External jury member

Paul Vermeulen


Fee for offers

€5,000 excl. VAT per winner – 4 candidates

Project type

European publication

  • Date European publication:
  • Number European publication: 2013/S 132-229195

Publication bulletin

  • Date publication bulletin:
  • Number publication bulletin: 2013-515893

This project was realized via Open Oproep. Read more about this tool.

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