Middelkerke - Middelkerke: sea wall between Westende and Middelkerke

Project description
Bad storms are one of the main natural threats in the North Sea region. To protect the Flemish coast against heavy storm surges, the Coast Department of the Agentschap voor Maritieme Dienstverlening en Kust drew up the Master-Plan for Coastal Security. The Flemish Government approved it on 10 June 2011. The master-plan puts great emphasis primarily on implementing the protective measures essential to maintaining coastal security. A great deal of attention is paid to climate change: the expected rise in sea level up to 2050 is taken into account. The measures in the Coastal Security Master-Plan provide minimal protection against a storm surge that recurs every 1000 years (the so-called 1000-year storm). Apart from this, there is an additional cost/benefit study to determine whether there is significant remaining risk of material damage and loss of life. This master-plan shows that Middelkerke is one of the weakest zones in terms of coastal security. But protection against the sea cannot be seen as separate from other tasks in the coastal zone: natural development, economic development, the development of an attractive coast for tourists and residents, and the development of sustainable energy. These are the five basic principles in the generation of any project for the coastal region. The Coastal Security Master-Plan thus focuses on measures which in the first instance enhance security, but if possible also make a contribution to the other four elements.
The calculation of the flood risk in the Coastal Security Master-Plan show that there are serious risks of fatalities and damage resulting from flooding by the sea in Middelkerke and Westende. Tackling these risks is of course a priority.
The option selected for the reinforcement of this weak zone consists of the widening of the present sea wall in accordance with the principle of a stilling wave basin (SWB) and the augmentation of the beach.
Near the casino in Middelkerke-Bad the necessary security is achieved by constructing a dike on the sea side of the casino. This will have to be joined to the expansion of the sea wall on both sides of the casino.
The Coast Department and Middelkerke local authority are looking for a design in which the functional element – the increase in coastal security – is combined with an upgrade of the public space. Considering the tourist-recreational importance of this zone and the character of the public space, for the client this project is an ideal way of presenting itself to a broad public. In addition to the work on security and the spatial quality of the surroundings, the project is also intended to provide a striking and attractive added value. For this reason special attention must be paid to the design of the plan and its sustainability. It should develop into a tourist-recreational maritime attraction and once again be part of the collective memory of both residents and visitors.
Budget: A total initial estimate of a maximum of €35 million (incl. VAT). This includes everything: the cost of the study (design), the fees for the design-based research by the five candidates, the cost of the external expert, possible cost of drawing up an MER exemption, and execution of the work.
Overall fee: recommended value of the estimate for the complete study for the entire execution: €1,260,000 (incl. VAT)
Project details
Project code
Official name
All-inclusive design assignment for the widening and redesign of the sea wall in Middlekerke – Westende-Bad and Middelkerke-Bad zones – and a dike at the casino in Middelkerke-Bad.
This project is part of the project bundle OO26.
Agentschap voor Maritieme Dienstverlening en Kust (MDK) – afdeling Kust
Site location
8430 Middelkerke
Timing project
- Assignment of designers:
- Assignment of executers:
Contactperson client
Niels Vanmassenhove
Award procedure
prijsvraag voor ontwerpen met gunning via onderhandelingsprocedure zonder bekendmaking.
External jury member
nog niet bekend
Fee for offers
Project type
European publication
- Date European publication:
- Number European publication: 2013/S 132-229195
Publication bulletin
- Date publication bulletin:
- Number publication bulletin: 2013-515893
This project was realized via Open Oproep. Read more about this tool.
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