Merksem - Landschapspark Merksem


DS Ontwerp en Onderzoek BV
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Proap Estudos e Projectos de Arquitectura Paisagis
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STOSS Inc. (stoss landscape urbanism)
Download design proposalProject description
The area for the “Park Groenendaal” project is situated in Merksem and runs from the Albert and Groenendaallaan along the A12 and the railway, northwards towards Kwadevelden. From there, the project area makes a wide curve to the right, where it widens out further as far as Merksem Fort. A clear-cut delineation (boundary) will be part of the study planned in the area and that needs to take place on the basis of any strengths and/or weaknesses at the site. The main aim is to combine various functions in the area and also to overcome any possible existing sticking points. A landscaping approach will be emphasised in which arable farming and/or managed farming remains possible alongside an expansion of recreation, sport and allotments linked to better integration into the landscape. In so doing, the current situation needs to be retained as much as possible. Examination of the site needs to result in a clear-cut delineation of the project based on its strengths and weaknesses. It also needs to provide a clear insight into the level of achievability and practical interpretation of the lines of force within the project: Development of a recreational network of cycling and pedestrian amenities; Development of a number of “green pearls” (recreational parks); The problem of noise overload and (landscaping) solutions;
Integration of the existing buildings, sports grounds, allotments and infrastructure;
Agrarian co-management of he landscape;
Reinforcement of ecological landscaping unity, as well as cultural and historical values;
Options for developing the natural surroundings;
The maintenance aspects in developing this landscaped park.
Fee spread/bracket: landscape architecture: 9,48%
Project details
Project code
Official name
The complete study and design assignment for drawing up a landscape design/ feasibility study for a landscaped park in Merksem.
This project is part of the project bundle OO16.
Being built
Stadsbestuur Antwerpen
Site location
2170 Merksem
Park groenendaal
Timing project
- Selection meeting:
- First briefing:
- Deadline offers:
- Jury:
- Award:
- Assignment of designers:
- Assignment of executers:
- In use:
Contactperson client
Walter Debacker
Award procedure
prijsvraag voor ontwerpen met gunning via onderhandelingsprocedure zonder bekendmaking.
External jury member
André Loeckx
Construction budget
Including VAT
Excluding commission
Fee for offers
Project type
European publication
- Date European publication:
- Number European publication: 177764
Publication bulletin
- Date publication bulletin:
- Number publication bulletin: 10450
This project was realized via Open Oproep. Read more about this tool.
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