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About how the Flemish Government Architect wants to make room for people and nature
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Watch the film online from Monday 11 February 2019
Flemish Government Architect Leo Van Broeck and Nic Balthazar take us on a journey along Flemish roads, villages and cities, in search of innovative spatial projects and fresh ideas about the design of our living environment. Because no matter how familiar or valuable the Flemish (urban) landscapes are, the problems are well known to us: due to the allotment rage and the linear development along roads, green and open space become increasingly scarce, we are stuck in traffic jams and there are problems with water management. On the basis of inspiring examples and interviews with experts and innovators, the film shows how things can be improved. Through the right use of architecture, urban design and landscape design, a new spatial model can be developed that yields benefits for everyone.
The development of such a new spatial model is crucial in the transition to integrated sustainability, both worldwide and in the specific Flemish context. In his 2017-2020 Multi-Year Program, Flemish Government Architect Leo Van Broeck focuses on one message: we, people, claim too much space. Energy and food production, industry, habitation, transport and all kinds of land and real estate speculation put the open space under pressure. And this ill-considered use of space plays an essential role in the climate and energy crisis, which poses enormous challenges for us all. De Government Architect therefore regards ‘spatial humility’ as a planetary civic duty.
If we want to achieve our climate and energy goals, offer future generations and safeguard biodiversity, we must first and foremost start thinking differently about housing and building, about development and mobility. The film shows that this mindswitch does not have to be characterized by austerity or loss. It shows how more compact building, the reinforcement of urban and village centers, smart use of heritage and the creation of open space can just increase the quality of life. A quality-driven approach with an eye for the social dimension and for diversity, and the development of new forms of process management (participation, public-private cooperation …) provide the key to a more pleasant, healthier, better equipped and more inclusive environment.