Open Call 39 online

Submit applications until friday 28th of February, 13.00 CET

Publication date:

Call to designers

Open Call 39 has been published. You can apply for five new projects. These are the assignments for the realisation of a new office building for the intermunicipal Leiedal in Kortrijk and four master plans, with both urban project zones and open space areas. All information can be found on our website. The application runs until 28 February 2020, 13:00 CET. The first selections will be announced at the beginning of April 2020.
As always, the application for the Open Call can be made via the website

Projects within Open Call are awarded through a ‘competition procedure with negotiation’. 

Procedure Open Call

The new Public Procurement Act gave rise to a renewed Open Call procedure. This means, among other things, that as of Open Call 37, a European Single Procurement Document (ESPD) is required for the submission of tenders and that tenders are no longer submitted anonymously. We took advantage of this opportunity to ensure that the submission of tenders is completely digital as of Open Call 37. Read more

How do I apply for Open Call 39?

Applications can be submitted via this website You will go through the following steps:

1. Login

Go to the website and from the Tools > Open Call > Designers page go to the login page. Here you can log in if you already have an account or you can register your desk.

2. Complete your data

Before you can apply for projects within Open Call, we need the following information:

  • Your office details and company number
  • A European Single Procurement Document (ESPD) (more information about the ESPD)
  • The necessary documents concerning the financial situation, skills and suitability of companies for a public procurement procedure (only for agencies not established in Belgium).

3. Indicate your preferred projects

You can then select the projects for which you wish to apply.

4. Select the type of enrolment: agency or temporary association

The selection of an already existing temporary association or the creation of a new temporary association takes place after the designation of your preferred project(s).

Make sure that your partners in the temporary association already have an account with the Flemish Government Architect and that they have completed their profile.

If you want to create a new temporary association and your partner agency does not appear in the list, it is possible that this agency is already a candidate for the project (or that the agency has not yet completed its profile). In order to avoid double entries, the system hides teams that have already designated the same project as a preferred project. In this case, it is advisable to contact your partner agency.

5. Enter your ‘vision of the assignment’ and ‘intention to cooperate’.

For each project, you enter your initial analysis, ambitions and possible intentions for cooperation. More information about the intention to cooperate and the difference with a temporary association can be found in the manual (under point 6).

6. Upload your portfolio

How many portfolios do you need to create?

The number of portfolios is equal to the number of agencies and temporary associations with which you register. If you only register as an agency, you will create one portfolio for your agency. This portfolio applies to all projects for which you are applying. If you register as an agency and as a temporary association, you will create two portfolios, one for your agency and one for your temporary association. You will create an additional portfolio for each additional temporary association. The maximum size of a separate portfolio is 50 Mb. It can be made in .pdf or .doc format.

What information do you bundle in your portfolio(s)?

You should at least mention three reference projects that were carried out in your own name. These may also include research assignments, graduation projects, unrealized plans,… are.

The portfolio is an important document for making selections and it is your business card for the attention of the Flemish Government Architect and the clients. Of course, you can mention more than three projects (but quality takes precedence over quantity). Furthermore, you should try to create a well-readable and structured document with recruiting visual material and concise explanations. Aspects that you can address are: a team presentation, the vision of the design team, reference projects, the motivation of your candidacy, a first project-related reflection,…. A recruiting character and a personal touch can be an added value.

7. Confirm your applications

You have to confirm your applications per registration form. Your and your partners in any temporary associations will receive a confirmation email of the application.

Additional information

On our website you can find an extensive manual for the application. If you have any questions for which you cannot find the answer, please contact us via the following channels:

E-mail :
Telephone : +32 490 58 73 38
