Oostende - Ostend - crematorium


Alvarez Ouburg Architecten
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Hideyuki Nakayama, LIST
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Studio SNCDA et al.
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The objective of the Commission for Crematorium Management (OVCO), whose member boroughs are Ostend, Oudenburg, Bredene and Middelkerke, is to build a crematorium.
The assignment is for the construction of a new crematorium and its siting in the landscape of the woods on the outskirts of Ostend. Determining the urban planning preconditions is not part of the assignment. The ‘Crematorium’ Spatial Implementation Plan (RUP) is currently being drawn up and provides the framework for this assignment. Approval is scheduled for mid-2014.
Considering the number of inhabitants in West Flanders, which was 1,169,990 on 1 January 2012, the establishment of a third crematorium in the province responds to a genuine need, more so because the whole of the coastline is too far from any crematorium. This complex of buildings will be built on the site of the old brick factory at Grintweg in Ostend.
A centre for farewells and a crematorium are emotional places where one can take leave in a dignified manner. It is a public and pluralist place where people can come regardless of their religious and philosophical convictions. The architecture we aspire to is of high quality, and shows respect for the surroundings and for the emotions of the people who come to bid farewell to their dead. The building should radiate serenity. The operational functionality and good access to the building and the site are points for particular attention in the design. The client points out that the building will have to be built in a limited amount of time.
The building programme comprises:
- a utility building for two cremation ovens, with the potential for extension to include possible new forms of delivery of bodies
- two auditoria with accompanying family rooms and a waiting area
- the layout of the open space (landscape and car parks)
- gardens of rest and columbarium
The oven and filter installations are not part of the assignment, though it does include their location and aesthetic aspects.
Budget 2.700.000,- euro (excl VAT) for the buildings, 300.000,- euro (excl VAT) for the furniture, 450.000 (excl VAT) for the suuroundings
Fee: Fee for architecture between 6,7% and 7,3%
Fee for stability between 2,5% and 3,4%
Fee for utilities between 1,8% and 2,3% (Percentages are applied onto the total investment allowance for the building)
Fee for design of surroundings between 7,8% and 10,4% (Percentages are applied onto the total investment allowance for the surroundings)
Project details
Project code
Official name
All-inclusive design assignment for the construction of a crematorium at Grintweg in Ostend
This project is part of the project bundle OO26.
Opdrachthoudende vereniging voor crematoriumbeheer arrondissement Oostende (OVCO)
Site location
8400 Oostende
Timing project
- Selection meeting:
- First briefing:
- Second briefing:
- Deadline offers:
- Jury:
Contactperson client
Wendy Blondé
Contact Team Vlaams Bouwmeester
Mario Deputter
Award procedure
prijsvraag voor ontwerpen met gunning via onderhandelingsprocedure zonder bekendmaking.
External jury member
nog niet bekend
Fee for offers
Project type
European publication
- Date European publication:
- Number European publication: 2013/S 132-229195
Publication bulletin
- Date publication bulletin:
- Number publication bulletin: 2013-515893
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