The Team Flemish Government Architect has modified the procedure for the Open Call. One of the changes is that the biennial publications will now take place in October and in March. Early October 2024, the projects of the next edition, Open Call 48, will be announced and designers can apply.
The Open Call, the procedure by which the Vlaams Bouwmeester Team has been helping public clients find the right designers for their spatial projects for more than 20 years, is due for a reassessment. Over the years, under the influence of the social and economic context, a changing legal framework and the visions of successive master builders, the Open Call procedure has also evolved. Today, we want to refocus the initial objectives of the Open Call as a methodology that creates opportunities for qualitative design while helping to develop an architectural culture in Flanders.
One of the changes is that from now on the Open Call will be published in October and March. After thorough consultation with both clients and design teams, it appeared that this publication rhythm meets their wishes best. The publication moments are fixed, the other milestones in the procedure will be determined per project together with the client. Moreover, we will continue to evaluate the timing and make further optimisations where necessary.
Specifically, the next Open Call, Open Call 48, will be published on Friday 4 October 2024.
In addition to the new publication dates, further changes have been made to the Open Call procedure. To explain these changes, we are organising four information moments (in the Atelier Bouwmeester, sessions in Dutch):
- two information events for clients on 21 June, 10 a.m. and 25 June, 2 p.m.
- two information moments for design teams on 9 September at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.
Register in advance for either session via the link.
We also hope to be online with our new website by mid-September. Subscribe to our newsletter and stay informed about all the news coming up in the next few months.